With the new update of Unlock:OKR, check-ins will allow you to plan before. You can keep track of all the complete and incomplete tasks in one go.
Step 1: Click on engage from the left hamburger menu and select Check-ins. You will be redirected to the Check-ins section of Unlock:OKR.
Step 2: You will land on the current execution week by default.
Step 3: You may add tasks you completed in your execution week. Click on the first question to add the task, then click enter or tick to save tasks.
While adding tasks, you may also link tasks with a key result (KR). To link tasks with any key results, add a ‘/.’ All your key results will thus be listed. Choose the KR you want to link, and enter or tick to save.
Once the KR is linked, you can see the linked KR on the right-hand side. As you hover over the KR, you can see its complete title. To unlink the KR, click on the link icon.
Step 4: You may even pull incomplete tasks from your accomplished week.
Click on ‘Pull incomplete tasks’ from the right-hand side. You will get a pop-up for confirmation. After you click on ‘Yes,’ all your incomplete tasks from the immediate accomplished week will be pulled in the current execution week.
Step 5: Fill in the other questions below. All your answers will be autosaved, and your check-in will be complete.
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