All objectives and key results created or contributed by you can be found in your dashboard.
Step 1: Click on the objective to update the progress of the key results, where you already own some target as an owner/contributor.
Step 2: Your objective expands with all the KRs.
Step 3: Once you click on the progress bar of the key result, a box opens.
Step 4: You may use the scroller or add the value inside the given box. You may update the progress in fraction numbers as well.
Step 5: If you wish, add a comment, and click on the tick to save.
Note: You may also tag your peers/manager in the comment box.
If you are the owner of an OKR but do not own a target, you may still add progress for yourself, thus contributing to the overall key result progress.
Step 1: A drop box opens as you click on the progress bar.
Step 2: Add your progress in the input box and save.
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