Companies grow faster when setting goals for their bottom line while aligning them with their employees. Goals give people a direction to work and challenge them to improve themselves. Setting SMART goals aids you and your team define where you want to be and keeps track of your progress.
But how do you set these achievable goals?
Goals Must be Flexible, But Specific
Though flexibility in goals is a good deal for employees, they must not be vague. Leaders must ensure that corporate goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, i.e., SMART.
For example, your goal must be specific; instead of “Increase Revenue,” it should be “Increase revenue by cross-selling ‘X’ by 20% before Q3 2022”.
Have a Pre-Defined System in Place
When you select organizational goals, practice implementing a pre-defined goal management system basis your business needs. This system should help you accomplish your goals with a goal management system. The goal management system contains your corporate and individual goals. It also enables you to check if any issues block the realization of either of these goals.
A goal management system also helps to:
Set a Budget and Human Resources Capital
Your project may require some specific financial resources to be redirected towards finishing the task. Plan that from the beginning. Your project may also demand you to put aside human resources to finish the task. It is a good practice to plan this systematically. Let us take an example to understand this better.
Companies are often flooded with work during holidays. Having staff members in the store, basis the expected work volume may help you attain your set goals of increased sales and customer satisfaction.
Update Your Employees on the Set Organizational Goals
Only when you keep your staff informed of the set organizational goals can they meet them. Communicate the goals to them clearly, right from the beginning of the project. Your team members must learn how to meet the business needs most effectively. Team briefings, debriefings, and periodic circulars can boost the communication process.
Besides, let employees set their own goals. Research shows choosing one’s own goals may be highly effective. Goal-setting drastically improves output.
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